Call for Registration- Students' Private Accommodation Facilities

Announcement   Directorate of Students Affairs   December 16, 2024

The Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) wishes to invite all unregistered but interested private student accommodation owners to register their accommodation facility for undergraduate students with the Directorate of Student Affairs.  The information needed is as follows: 


  1. Location of the facility
  2. Gender of the students (male or female)
  3. Capacity of the facility, number of rooms and occupancy per room
  4. Contact details; both email and mobile number.


The University will contact the landlord/landlady for inspection of the facility to be recommended to students and advertise on university noticeboards and website. Those interested should send the information to by 20th December, 2024. 

For more information, please contact Directorate of Student Affairs on 01 870 411 (ext. 1132 or 1134) or 0999 639 988 (during office hours) or email


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