In Case You Missed It

MUBAS Introduces Diploma Programme in Construction Management
June 3, 2024, Peter Bwanali
MUBAS Introduces Diploma Programme in Construction Management

Featured Biography

Mr Lloyd Kambwiri - University Registrar

Environmental and Social Management Plan for the Construction of a 2 - Storey Building at Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences, Lilongwe Campus

Announcement   Procurement and Asset Disposal Unit   November 26, 2024

Disclosure Notice

The Government of Malawi is implementing a Skills for a Vibrant Economy (SAVE) Project with support from the World Bank (International Development Association). SAVE Project is financed through a national resource envelope of US$100 million from the International Development Association for a period of five years. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase equitable access to market-relevant skills in priority areas of the economy, especially for females and vulnerable youth. The project consists of the following four components:


  • Component 1: Supporting public higher education institutions in increasing equitable access to market relevant skills development programs; 
  • Component 2: Supporting Technical, Entrepreneurial, and Vocational Education and Training to increase equitable access to market relevant skills development
  • Component 3: Tertiary education student financing and system strengthening, project management, M&E, and communications
  • Component 4: Contingency Emergency Response.


This notice therefore serves to notify interested or affected persons/parties and the general public of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), that has been developed to respond to environmental and social risks arising from construction of the 2-storey building at Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences, Lilongwe Campus. The construction of the Integrated teaching facility aims to improve academic excellence and access to market-relevant skills-development programs. Specifically, the project will increase student enrolment, improve the quality of teaching and research, train high-level human resources, provide research and consultancy services and disseminate knowledge for societal advancement. Construction activities for the project will involve building a ground plus first floor at MUBAS Lilongwe Campus. 


In conformity with both the National and World Bank Environmental and Social Standards, and Social Standards, the project has been planned and designed in a manner that enhances potential positive environmental and social impacts and minimises potential negative impacts. This has been achieved through environmental and social assessments that led to the development of the Environmental and Social Management Plan. The environmental and social assessment identified and evaluated the potential environmental and social impacts that the project might generate, proposed measures to enhance the positive impacts and measures to mitigate the negative impacts, and developed a monitoring plan to check the implementation of the enhancement measures for positive impacts and mitigation measures for negative impacts.


Some of the positive impacts that the ESMP identified include increased student intake at the University; increased employment opportunities for construction workers, administrative staff and other technical professionals at the University and improved teaching and learning at the University. 

Some of the negative impacts identified by the ESMP report included loss of vegetation, increased air pollution due to increased dust emissions and particulate matter emissions; increased noise and vibrations disturbances; increased risk of soil contamination; increased risk of soil erosion and sedimentation; risk of water resources depletion; improper disposal of construction, hazardous and general wastes; increased occupational health and safety risks; increased community health and safety risks; risk of social conflicts between construction workers and communities; increased risk of communicable dieses including cholera and COVID-19;  increased risk of spread of HIV and AIDS and STIs; increased risk of Gender-Based Violence, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment; Disturbance of traffic along the access roads leading to the construction site; increased risk of child labour and abuse;  improper disposal of remaining construction waste and materials.


The Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project site has been presented to the Malawi Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) and the World Bank and is now ready to be presented to stakeholders interested in any observations. The report is now available for reference purposes at any time at the following locations: 

  • Malawi Environmental Protection Agency, Lingadzi House and Robert Mugabe Street in Lilongwe
  • Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences, Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), La Rose Building, Next to Winners Chapel along Nchesi Road in Area 2, Lilongwe
  • Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences, Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), located at Nsalura Community Day Secondary School at Salima Boma along the road to Sengabay.
  • Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences, Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), located at Luwinga, next to Mzuzu Academy in Mzuzu.
  • Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences website,


To this end, Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences proposes to engage stakeholders in the report. Stakeholders and interested persons/parties are invited to participate in the Public Disclosure process by examining the documents available as detailed above and submitting any observations no later than 9th December 2024 to:   


Vice Chancellor

Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences, 

Private Bag 303, 


Blantyre 3


Copy and


Phone Number: +265 1 870 411


We look forward to your participation in this public disclosure


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