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UniPOD to Promote Collaboration among Higher Education Institutions
February 21, 2024, Peter Bwanali
UniPOD to Promote Collaboration among Higher Education Institutions

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Dr Adamson Thengolose - Quality Assurance

Nthala represents unions

News   Hazviperi Mbizi   December 12, 2019
PIC: Nthala with other participants from the SADC region
A fourth year Bachelor of Arts in Education and Business Studies, who is also the former President of the Polytechnic Student Union (PSU) Japhet Nthala attended an academic freedom regional advocacy conference organized by an NGO in Zimbabwe known as Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust.

The Conference took place from November 26 to 29, 2019.

 “I went in the capacity as a President for Malawi National Students Union, which has brought together union leaders from both public and private universities,” Nthala said.

 The Conference whose theme was ‘ Unlocking the Core Value of higher education, in Southern Africa aimed at bringing together student leaders, activists, academics, institutional representatives as well as policy maker in order to exchange, share ideas and experiences around the promotion of inclusive education and role of student activists.

“We exist in a Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and being part of such conference helps us not to be left behind in regional matters. So basically, Malawi National Students Union is in its final stages of registration with only the certificate remaining, as we wait for the approval from the Minister of Justice, “ he explained.

MNSU is being involved in a number of activities, one of which is the participation in regional summits and leaders of all union councils.

The vision is to see that all union leaders( public and private)  uniting and advocating for better change in the academic arena.

“Everything I learned from the Zimbabwe summit will be shared to the union leaders in our next meetings. We would like to have  an academic environment where students are involved and adequately allowed in the formulation and advancement of policies that affect them, “ he added.

Other participants available at the conference were  from Tanzania,  Zambia,  Zimbabwe, Botswana,  south Africa,  Swaziland and Namibia.


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