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Poly Wild Cats - Southern Region Mo626 Champions
March 13, 2019, Hazviperi Mbizi
Poly Wild Cats - Southern Region Mo626 Champions

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Dorothy Eneya
Dr Dorothy Eneya - University Librarian

Minister of Education inspects construction projects

News   Lusungu Munthali   September 18, 2017
PIC: Honourable Bright Msaka (third from left), the principal and construction managers inspecting the ICT Building
For a long time the Polytechnic has been facing the shortage of infrastructure. In spite of the wide expanse of land owned by the College, only a minimal fraction of that land has buildings.

The African Development Bank funded Higher Education, Science and Technology (HEST) projects and the World Bank project came in time when the college is in sore need of additional buildings for advancing its various services.

On the 13th of September 2017, the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Honourable Bright Msaka inspected the progress of the Higher Education, Science and Technology (HEST) project and the one funded by the World Bank in the efforts to increase varsity space. 

Present at that inspection were representatives from the Education Infrastructure Management Unit, the HEST National Coordination Officer, principal of the Polytechnic Prof Grant kululanga and members of staff, and Joadah Consult (The Design and Supervision Consultants). 

The minister inspected three sites, one of which is located adjacent to the cafeteria, the other which is opposite the Polytechnic main campus building commonly known as “Across” under the contractor, SR Nicholas and the other, which is behind the CIT laboratories. The minister commended the work of increasing varsity space well done, as Polytechnic has not had infrastructure development in three decades. 

“You see there are many laboratories, class rooms and many lecture rooms being developed meaning the vision therefore is to make sure that we increase university space and change the face of Poly,” he said. 

The undergoing construction projects; Classrooms, Lecture theatres, Science laboratory and ICT Business Centre, are crucial for enhancement of science in improvement of science and technology at a higher institution of learning such as Polytechnic.

The college principal, Prof Grant kululanga, has been involved in the project from the start. “These buildings will help to release pressure on space for science and also ensure quality ICT service from a purposefully built complex.” Said Kululanga.

The other building is near completion while the other one is on the second floor level and the other is at foundation level. The college, under the HEST project, has already achieved the acquisition of other resources such as computers. In addition, the college is working on the procurement of books and equipment needed for laboratories, special needs and ICT.

The African Development Bank has funded Higher Education; Science and Technology (HEST) projects with the aim for advancing its various services. The project is being implemented at various higher learning institutions such as Mzuzu University and Chancellor College. 

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